As a Sage partner, NetSystem participated in the first edition of the 'Sage Expo Clients' event Wednesday, May 09th, 2012 at the Ramada Plaza Gammarth, an event that was totally dedicated to Sage customers.
Several workshops were facilitated by experts from Sage France, Morocco and Tunisia, enabling users of Sage management solutions to discover new products and services offered by the Editor and its partners in Tunisia, and to exchange about the new offerings.
During this day, Sage presented its new products including:
- Sage 100 Generation i7, which is a new generation of solutions that meets the SMEs expectations: performance, flexibility and business expertise, mobility, web, etc.;
- Sage 100 Production Management i7, the all-new offer of Sage CAPMs for the Tunisian SMI and adapted to their estimates, for steering of the industrial activity in real time;
- Sage Paie V20, a totally- oriented offer to Tunisian customers which simplifies the entire payroll and social declarations processes;
- Sage 1000 V6.20, with a new collaborative dimension and new business smart modules;
- the latest Sage 1000 Collect that offers Recovery and Customers' Risk Management that has helped many customers to deal with their working capital.